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Woodstock Outdoors Website

Applicant Name

Tom Weschler

Applicant Organization

Phone Number


Mailing Address

6936 North Bridgewater Road




Organization Website

Grant Request Summary


Create a new website that provides easy access to ALL of the outdoor activities available within a 20-mile radius of Woodstock. There would be no requirement that an organization or business would need to be a Chamber of Commerce member or located within Woodstock to get coverage on the website.

Woodstock (and surrounding towns) is extremely rich in outdoor activities but there is no place that a resident or visitor can go to that contains the necessary information to make plans. One of the key questions everyone asks (resident or visitor) is "what do I want to do today"? Regardless of the season, this website would provide all of the information needed about available outdoor options.....location/directions, hours of operation, cost information, trail maps and other important facts, etc. With all of this easily available, people could make more informed decisions to enjoy the richness of the Woodstock area.

Project Budget

$20,000 - $24,999

Desired Grant Amount

$20,000 - $24,999

Other Funding Sources

All funding to come from EDC grant initially.

Project Timeframe


How will this project benefit the economic and community development of Woodstock?

Everyone (residents, guests of residents, and visitors) interested in outdoor activities would benefit from Woodstock Outdoors because all would have access to the entire range of activities in all seasons available in a 20-mile radius of Woodstock. Swimming, walking, biking, pickle ball, hockey, canoeing, and many other activities would all be included. The website would provide increased visibility to a variety of options, which enables a better decision-making process for enjoying Woodstock's vast outdoor resources.

Also, all local organizations and businesses located within 20 miles of Woodstock would be listed on the website (no Chamber of Commerce membership and/or must be located in Woodstock requirements). As a result, all providers would get increased visibility and usage.

By having one website to access that provides complete information on all the outdoor options available, residents and visitors alike will have a better experience here in Woodstock. This will lead to a better satisfied resident population and more visitors wanting to come back.

Which EDC Working Grouop Objectives does your project best support?

Marketing (Marketing Woodstock to attract more visitors and permanent residents), Events (Supporting the growth of events for visitors and the community)

Other Objectives

Project Collaborations

Woodstock Outdoors would be complementary with

All organizations and businesses with existing websites would be linked to from the specific listing pages on the website. Those without a website could use Woodstock Outdoors to provide additional information about their activity on subsequent pages on the Woodstock Outdoors website.

Additional Comments

Ease-of-use would be the key design criteria for the website.....for people using it and for organizations/businesses completing listings.

Once the website is up and running, advertising revenue should be possible and used to fund website enhancements and/or maintenance.

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